- Reading guide for Peripeti #38 This issue consists of research articles as well as essays, interviews, and artistic contributions. Peer reviewed articles are marked with an *. Editorial board 6-7
- Introduction: A historical analogy and its derived effects Solveig Daugaard, Laura Luise Schultz, Cecilie Ullerup Schmidt 10-23
Fascist remains
- Neither fascism nor democracy* Contre-Attaque redux Mikkel Bolt Rasmussen 26-41
- Calling Heard over a Great Distance 1-8 Ane Mette Ruge 42-47
- Conspiracy hippies and Holocaust denial The exposure of some contemporary faces of fascism by Center for Political Beauty and Frankfurter Hauptschule Laura Luise Schultz 48-63
Collaborative resistance
- Activist theatre and the agitprop legacy* Matthias Warstat 66-75
- Staying with the trouble Collective forms and methods in performing arts in the 1920s and today Konstanze Schmitt 76-87
- Wem gehört Lauratibor? Eine Protest-Oper über den Ausverkauf der Stadt / Who owns Lauratibor? A protest opera about the sell-out of the city Karen Vedel 88-101
- Forming a circle* The practice of Forsøgsscenen (the Experimental Stage) in the self-organised political-artistic milieu of 1930s Denmark Cecilie Ullerup Schmidt 102-113
- The rematerialisation of trauma: a dialogue on love Peter Brandt 114-131
Contemporary legacies
- New World remakes, Cold-War politics, and the legacy of the Bauhaus Isabel Wünsche 134-145
- Sites and sights of tension: cultural memory of gender and colonial power in East Asia* Gunhild Ravn Borggreen 146-161
- Taboo and ignorance in Japanese war-time history Yoshiko Shimada 162-165
- Work Bitch – a contemporary Lehrstück or how to get from I to we* Tania Ørum 166-175
- From sensation to fluent identity – Lili Elbe’s life narrative between historical case and contemporary re-enactment* Marianne Ølholm 176-189
English Summaries
- Summaries 192-195