This issue of Peripeti is dedicated to sustainable theatre and performance practices. The urgency of rethinking and reimagining human activity has become increasingly obvious as the massive ecological catastrophes resulting from climate change and mass extinction have entered our horizons. The answer to this has been coined ‘sustainability’, a word that at the same time poses a serious challenge for all sectors of society, and runs the risk of degenerating into just another buzzword. In this issue, we interrogate, specify, and challenge the concept of sustainability in relation to theatre and performance practices within a broad range of circumstances and geographical areas. We encounter theatre and performance practices that directly engage with ecologies between human and non-human agents, practices that emphasise the need to reuse, replenish, and respect resources in the course of theatre production, and practices that insist on forms of sustainability that care and takes care of every-body.
This issue is supported by The Independent Research Fund Denmark and The Danish Arts Foundation.
Redaktionelt Forord
- Editorial 6-13
- Connected Matters Collaboration and Care in Nana Francisca Schottländer’s Bodyscaping Solveig Gade 16-29
- Jessie Kleemann’s Art of Survival David W. Norman 30-43
- The Art of Sustainability Sarah Woods 44-57
- The Slow Integration of Sustainability into Contemporary Theatre and Performance Practices in Cameroon Kenneth T. Nsah, Lisette N. Malung, Noella M. Ngunyam 58-71
- Costume and Sustainability From Past Practice to Future Strategies for an Ecological Costume Praxis Sofia Pantouvaki , Ingvill Fossheim, Susanna Suurla 72-85
- Seeking Performance Sustainability within Disability Molly Joyce 86-97
- Leave No Bodymind Behind Sins Invalid’s Vision of Crip Sustainability Nina Muehlemann 98-109
- Et cirkulært forord Joan Rang Christensen 112-125
- Om den ikke-aristoteliske fortælleteknik Ulla Ryum 126-137
- Plaidoyer for den feminine dramaturg En styrkelse af dramaturgens position i branchen set fra et bæredygtigt perspektiv Kaia Fransiska Frostmann Lundenes 138-145
- Birthing A/New Reflecting Mid-Process on a Performance Practice Through the Lens of Sustainability Bronwyn Preece, Rosemary Candelario 146-157
- Gather (g)Round Creating Communal Ecosystems Through Performance and Permaculture Ayesha Jordan 158-167
- Of art and of land Christine Fentz 168-181
- Centrum og periferi Et essay om skuespillerskolen Det Multinorske Kristoffer Spender 182-189
- Danmarks nationalscene med skuespillere med funktionsvariationer Ida Schmidt-Larsen 190-199
- Both Sides Now Report on ambiguity and sustainability in international projects in higher arts education Rasmus Ölme, Marie Wos 200-209
- Dogmebølger og bæredygtigt teater Samtale med Christian Gade Bjerrum fra Bæredygtig Scenekunst NU Solveig Gade 210-215
- Den store brand, af Roland Schimmelpfennig, iscenesat af Simon Boberg, Svalegangen Janicke Branth 218-223
- Museum for fremtiden Christian Lollike og Anders Thrue Djurslev, Kunsthal Aarhus, Aarhus Teater Janek Szatkowski Szatkowski 224-229
- Theben på den gule febers tid, instrueret af Eugenio Barba, Odin Teatret Erik Exe Christoffersen 230-235
- Anmeldelse af Højt til Himlen Visioner fra Vandkanten og andre kulturkaravaner gennem årene Erik Exe Christoffersen 238-241
- Over tærsklen Kim Skjoldager-Nielsen – 22.4.1971-6.1.2022. Stig Jarl 242-243
English Summaries
- English Summaries 250-253