Dancing necessities – Infrastructures, interventions, and maintenance
Edited by Cecilie Ullerup Schmidt, Franziska Bork-Petersen, Jonas Schnor, and Karen Vedel
“While dance researchers have gained significant academic traction through critical analysis of dancing bodies, dance’s ‘offstage’ labour and cooperation have received minimal attention in dance research,” dance studies scholar Sarah Wilbur has argued in at text introducing infrastructural analysis as approach to dance (Wilbur 2020, 261).
With this issue, we suggest working with an infrastructural analysis of the field of dance and choreography: the venues and funding and touring possibilities, the educational landscape, the collaborating relations, the reception and self-archiving practices. How are the conditions for dance and choreography in Denmark today? And which kinds of dance find their way to receive funding and enter the stages of the institutions? What are the historical conditions, legacies, and changes for the art form in our local context? Is the field supported or threatened differently in our neighbouring countries?
With an urge to give thought, archival capacity, and discourse to the field of dance and choreography, we in the editorial team came together to create a call for contributions focusing on the conditions rather than the expressions. Or, as the title of this issue suggests, we look at how the education and artistic work of dancers and choreographers are conditioned by necessity, infrastructures, interventions, and practices of maintenance.
- Dancing necessities – Infrastructures, interventions, and maintenance
Cecilie Ullerup Schmidt, Franziska Bork-Petersen, Jonas Schnor, Karen Vedel - About this issue
- “Herefter er jeg definitivt holdt op som danser…” Mindeord om danser, koreograf og filminstruktør Jytte Kjøbek Jorn (15.11.1943-04.07.2024)
Karen Vedel - Mindeord om Kirsten Dehlholm
Erik Exe Christoffersen, Laura Luise Schultz
- “Folkhemmet” and danceEmerging structures for dance in Sweden, 1930-1960
Ingrid Redbark-Wallander - Virtuosity in the wingsThe collaborations that make the dancer’s body at the Royal Danish Ballet
Franziska Bork-Petersen - Fra dansemiljø til pædagoguddannelseHvor meget kan ufuldstændig, legende og flertydig dans tolereres?
Lars Dahl Pedersen - Patience and perseveranceAn interview with Julienne Doko
Julienne Doko, Karen Vedel - The most beautiful part of your body is where it’s headedT4t togetherness in Jules Fischer’s performance Vanitas
Storm Møller Madsen - HOW TO BEGIN?
Laura Navndrup Black - Hvor dramaturgien og koreografien mødesDansedramaturgi som ledsagerskab, solidaritet og koreografisk tænkning
Ida-Elisabeth Larsen, Jonas Schnor - Getting together to forget, to re-memberMappings of care and maintenance within the independent field of dance and choreography through the participatory activities of Danish Dance Stories
Carolina Bäckman, Andrea Deres - Unforgetting as a choreographic practice
Solveig Styve Holte - An/archiving con/temporary dance/ing bodies
Marianna Panourgia