This issue of Peripeti is dedicated to curating within and in relation to the field of performing arts. Deriving from the Latin curatus, to curate means “to care for”. Over the past ten to fifteen years, the field of performing arts has gradually adapted the term of curation. As illustrated by the contributions to this issue, curatorial practices invite us, with renewed vigor, to negotiate whose histories and tastes artworks actually represent, and who gets to think, write and curate public spaces and cultural experiences for whom: What does it mean to ‘curate’ repertoires in theatre institutions, to ‘curate’ performing arts festivals or to ‘curate’ performance practices outside of purpose-built theatre buildings? Where do curatorial practices and dramaturgical practices align, overlap and/or differ? What does a curatorial lens offer for the field of theatre making and dramaturgy? What is the potential and what are the limits to putting into dialogue curatorial traditions within art museums and the field of theatre, dramaturgs and performing arts?

Contributions by a wide international range of scholars, curators and dramaturgs. Publiceret: 2022-02-01
Redaktionelt Forord
- Kuratering Peripeti 3-12
- Enquete: Kuratering Peripeti 13-42
- Tomme scener, tætpakkede lejligheder Performativ kuratering af scenekunst Florian Malzacher 43-58
- Exhibiting the Present, Staging Contemporaneity Museum of the Future and Theatre as a Site of Curatorial Research Anders Thrue Djurslev 59-70
- Theatre Curation and Institutional Dramaturgy: Post-Representational Transformations in Flemish Theatre Peter M. Boenisch 71-82
- A Queer Curation of Audience Participation Elvira Crois 83-96
- Live Experiences in the Theater Gardens of Contemporary Art Affective Curating and Exhibition Experiments with Theatricality Charlotte Sprogøe 97-108
- Circling the Circulatory Viviana Checchia 109-124
- At kuratere en antropocæn sensibilitet Joachim Aagaard Friis , Ida Schyum 125-138
- At kuratere Ditte Maria Bjerg 149-152
- Group Effort Cecilie Ullerup Schmidt 153-160
- I will remember before I forget what it means to realise that you are privileged How a fellowship at MIF made me face political issues of curating Tanja Hylling Diers 161-168
- Light Bulbs and Round Tables A Conversation about MA in Curating at Aarhus University Line Sandvad Mengers, Nanna Balslev Strøjer, Trine Friis Sørensen 139-148
- Afro to the Future by Marie-Lydie Nokouda, Teater Grob Anika Marschall 169-174
- Sun&Sea by Rugilė Barzdžiukaite, Vaiva Grainytė and Lina Lapelytė. CPH STAGE 2021 Annelis Kuhlmann 175-180
- AVATAR ME af Fix & Foxy, RE:LOCATIONS festival Kathrine Winkelhorn 181-186
- Book Review: Curating dramaturgies Janek Szatkowski 187-192
- Boganmeldelse: Samtidskunstens teorier – Samtidskunsten forstyrrer Erik Exe Christoffersen 193-198
- Boganmeldelse: PÅ! Begivenhedskultur fra selfie til scenekunst Erik Exe Christoffersen 199-204